Medical Institutions Covered by EPC-WP2
1. National Hospital Of Sri Lanka (NHSL)
2. National Eye Hospital (NEH)
3. Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children (LRH)
4. Castel Street Hospital for Women (CSHW)
5. Colombo South Teaching Hospital (CSTH)
6. National Cancer Institute (NCI)
7. Medical Research Institute (MRI)
8. Medical Supplies Division (MSD)
9. Health Education Bureau (HEB)
10. Family Health Bureau (FHB)
11. Epidemiology (Epid)
12. Ministry Of Health (MOH)
14. National Blood Transmission Unit (NBTU)
15. Anti Malaria Campaign
16. National Drug Quality Assurance
17. National Dengue Research Institute
18. De Soyza Maternity Hospital