General Information
Total No. of Patient Care Units - 93
Total No. of other Units - 29
Total No. of Beds - 3,339
No. of ICU - 18
No. of Theatres - 21
Out patient visits per day - 5,000
Number of surgeries per day - 135
Total No of admissions per day - 665
Categories of Maintenance Work
Tender Works
Limited Quotation Works (Rs. 100,000.00 to Rs. 500,000.00)
Bidding Document Works (Rs. 500,000.00 to Rs. 10,000,000.00)
Maintenance Request Work < Rs. 100,000.00
Normal MR
Urgent MR
Clearing of Sewer Blocks
Past Work done
Year MR Tender Amount
2012 2613 62 163,738,461.70
2013 2497 57 107,024,336.66
2014 2258 87 115,145,229.11